• Gold Prices (Averaged) - Free Market (TRY)
  • Deposit Money Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Participation Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Investment and Development Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Banking Sector Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Deposit Money Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Participation Banks Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Investment and Development Banks Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Money Market Funds Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Monetary Survey (Thousand TRY)
  • Monetary Aggregates and Counterpart Items (Thousand TRY)
  • Deposit Money Banks - Foreign Assets and Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
  • Deposit Money Banks - Loans (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
  • Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
  • Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Maturity Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
  • Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Deposit Types) (Thousand TRY)
  • Deposit Money Banks - Securities (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
  • Participation Banks - Foreign Assets and Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
  • Participation Banks - Loans (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
  • Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
  • Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Maturity Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
  • Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Deposit Types) (Thousand TRY)
  • Investment and Development Banks - Foreign Assets and Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
  • Investment and Development Banks - Loans (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
  • Banking Sector - Equity and Maturity Breakdown for Foreign Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
  • Banking Sector - Loans (Thousand TRY)
  • Banking Sector - Securities (Thousand TRY)
  • Banking Sector - Participations and Subsidiaries (Thousand TRY)
  • FX-Protected Deposit and Participation Accounts (Outstanding, Monthly)
  • Quarterly, Nonbank Financial Corporations Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Quarterly, Financial Intermediaries Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Quarterly, Financial Auxiliaries Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Quarterly, Insurance Corporations and Pension Funds Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Bank Loans Tendency Survey (Net Percentage Change)
  • Composite Leading Indicator (MBONCU-SUE)
  • Monthly, Commercial Bills Received for Collection
  • Cheques processed in Interbank Cheque Clearing Houses
  • ICC - Credit Card Payment Index (April 2015=100)
  • Weighted Average Interest Rates For Banks Loans (Flow Data, %))
  • Weighted Average Interest Rates for Deposits (Flow Data, %))
  • Weighted Average Interest Rates For Deposits In Turkish Lira(Stock, %)
  • Effective Maximum Interest Rates For Deposits of Banks (Stock Data, %)
  • Effective Maximum Interest Rates For Deposits of State Banks (Stock Data, %)
  • Rediscount and Advance Interest Rates (%)
  • Monetary Aggregates (Thousand TRY)
  • Monetary Aggregates - Index of Notional Amounts (Index: 30.12.2005=100)
  • Selected Balance Sheet Items - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
  • Loans - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
  • Loans - Banks and Finance Companies (Thousand TRY)
  • Consumer Loans (by original maturity) - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
  • Securities - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
  • Deposits - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
  • Foreign Exchange Deposits - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
  • Selected Balance Sheet Items with Residents in Türkiye - Banks' Branches Abroad
  • Real Sector Confidence Index (RSCI) (NACE REV.2)
  • Real Sector Confidence Index-Seasonally Adjusted (RSCI-SA) (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics-Intermediate Goods (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics-Durable Consumer Goods (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics-Non-durable Consumer Goods (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics-Food & Beverages (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics-Consumer Goods (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics-Investment Goods (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics - Firms with less than 250 employees (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics - Firms with 250 to 499 employees (NACE REV.2)
  • Business Tendency Statistics - Firms with 500 or more employees (NACE REV.2)
  • Main labour force indicators (TURKSTAT)(In thousands,15+age)
  • Seasonally adjusted main labour force indicators (TURKSTAT)(In thousands,15+age)
  • Shares and Debt Securities Held by Non-Residents (Market Value, Million USD)
  • Government Domestic Debt Securities (Face Value, Million TRY)
  • Government Domestic Debt Securities (Market Value, Million TRY)
  • Government Domestic Debt Securities (By Maturity, Market Value, Million TRY)
  • Debt Securities Issued Abroad by General Government (Face Value, Million USD)
  • Debt Securities Issued Abroad by General Government (Market Value, Million USD)
  • Debt Securities Issued Abroad by General Government (By Maturity, Market Value, Million USD)
  • Domestic Debt Securities Issued by Other Than General Government (Face Value, Million TRY)
  • Domestic Debt Securities Issued by Other Than General Government (Market Value, Million TRY)
  • Domestic Debt Securities Issued by Other Than General Government (By Maturity, Market Value, Million TRY)
  • Debt Securities Issued Abroad by Other Than General Government (Face Value, Million USD)
  • Debt Securities Issued Abroad by Other Than General Government (Market Value, Million USD)
  • Debt Securities Issued Abroad by Other Than General Government (By Maturity, Market Value, Million USD)
  • Environmental, Social and Governance Domestic Debt Securities (Face Value, Million TRY)
  • Environmental, Social and Governance Debt Securities Issued Abroad (Face Value, Million USD)
  • Central Bank Analytical Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
  • Central Bank Weekly Statement (Thousand TRY)
  • Central Bank Balance Sheet(Thousand TRY)
  • CB Balance Sheet as per the Letter of Intent dd 18.01.2002 (At current cross rates)(Weekly, TRY Thousand)
  • Central Bank Reserves (Million US Dollar)
  • Rediscount Credits' Contribution To FX Reserves (CBRT)(Million US Dollar)
  • Turkish Interbank Clearing - RTGS & ESTS Operations
  • Retail Payment System Operations
  • Instant and Continuous Transfer of Funds (FAST) System Operations
  • Survey of Market Participants Modified Mean
  • Survey of Market Participants Descriptive Statistics
  • Survey of Market Participants Probability Distributions of Consumer Inflation Expectations
  • Seasonally unadjusted Consumer Confidence Index and Indices of Consumer Tendency Survey Questions (*)
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