- Exchange Rates
- Exchange Rates-Banknotes
- Informative Exchange Rates of Selected Currencies that are not subject to transaction by the CBRT
- Exchange Rates-Unit Labor Cost Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- Exchange Rates-CPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- Exchange Rates-Domestic-PPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- Deposit Money Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Investment and Development Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Banking Sector Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Investment and Development Banks Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Money Market Funds Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Monetary Survey (Thousand TRY)
- Monetary Aggregates and Counterpart Items (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Foreign Assets and Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Loans (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Maturity Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Deposit Types) (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Securities (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Foreign Assets and Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Loans (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Maturity Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Deposit Types) (Thousand TRY)
- Investment and Development Banks - Foreign Assets and Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
- Investment and Development Banks - Loans (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Banking Sector - Equity and Maturity Breakdown for Foreign Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
- Banking Sector - Loans (Thousand TRY)
- Banking Sector - Securities (Thousand TRY)
- Banking Sector - Participations and Subsidiaries (Thousand TRY)
- FX-Protected Deposit and Participation Accounts (Outstanding, Monthly)
- Quarterly, Nonbank Financial Corporations Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Quarterly, Financial Intermediaries Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Quarterly, Financial Auxiliaries Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Quarterly, Insurance Corporations and Pension Funds Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Foreign Trade Export Unit Value Index by Classification of BEC (2015=100)(TURKSTAT)
- Foreign Trade Export Volume Index by Classification of BEC (2015=100)(TURKSTAT)
- Foreign Trade Import Unit Value Index by Classification of BEC (2015=100)(TURKSTAT)
- Foreign Trade Import Volume Index by Classification of BEC (2015=100)(TURKSTAT)
- Foreign Trade by General Trade System Exports by Classification of Broad Economic Categories (BEC) (Thousand USD)(TURKSTAT)
- Foreign Trade by General Trade System Imports by Classification of Broad Economic Categories (BEC) (Thousand USD)(TURKSTAT)
- Foreign Trade by General Trade System Exports by Economic Activities (ISIC, Rev.4) (Thousand USD)(TURKSTAT)
- Foreign Trade by General Trade System Imports by Economic Activities (ISIC, Rev.4) (Thousand USD)(TURKSTAT)
- Non-Monetary Gold Export (Geographical Allocation) (Thousand US dollars)
- Non-Monetary Gold Import (Geographical Allocation) (Thousand US dollars)
- Chapter 71 Exports (Thousand USD)
- Chapter 71 Imports (Thousand USD)
- IFFA - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking System - Turkish Vehicles, Export(TIH)
- IFFA - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking System - Foreign Vehicles, Export(YIH)
- IFFA - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking System - Turkish Vehicles, Imports(TIT)
- IFFA - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking System - Foreign Vehicles, Imports(YIT)
- IFFA - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking System - Turkish Vehicles, Empty Entry(TBG)
- IFFA - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking System - Foreign Vehicles, Empty Entry(YBG)
- IFFA - Vehicle and Trailer Tracking System - All vehicles Land and RORO separation
- Weighted Average Interest Rates For Banks Loans (Flow Data, %))
- Weighted Average Interest Rates for Deposits (Flow Data, %))
- Weighted Average Interest Rates For Deposits In Turkish Lira(Stock, %)
- Effective Maximum Interest Rates For Deposits of Banks (Stock Data, %)
- Effective Maximum Interest Rates For Deposits of State Banks (Stock Data, %)
- Rediscount and Advance Interest Rates (%)
- S.1 Total Economy (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.11 Nonfinancial Corporations (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.12 Financial Corporations Total (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.121 + S.122 + S.123 Monetary Financial Institutions (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.121 CBRT (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.122 Deposit-taking Corporations (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.123 Money Market Funds (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.124 Non MMF Investment Funds (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.125 Other Financial Intermediaries (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.126 Financial Auxiliaries (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.128 + S.129 Insurance Companies and Pension Funds (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.128 Insurance Corporations (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.129 Pension Funds (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.13 General Government (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.1311 Central Government (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.1313 Local Governments (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.1314 Social Security Institutions (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.14 Households (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.15 Non-profit institutions serving households (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- S.2 Rest of the World (Thousand TRY)(Stock, Non-Consolidated)
- TURKSTAT- Consumer Price Index (2003=100)
- TURKSTAT- Consumer Price Index-Indicators for the CPI's Having Specified Coverages (2003=100)(New Series)
- TURKSTAT- Domestic Producer Price Index (2003=100)(NACE REV.2)
- TURKSTAT- Non-Domestic Producer Price Index (2010=100)(NACE REV.2)
- TURKSTAT- Producer Price Index of Agriculture Products (2020=100)
- ICOC - Cost of Living Indices for Wage Earners (1968=100)
- ICOC - Cost of Living Indices for Wage Earners (1995=100)
- ICOC - Cost of Living Indices for Wage Earners-Istanbul (1985=100)
- ICOC - Wholesale Prices Index (1968=100)
- ICOC - Wholesale Price Index and Cost of Living Indices for Wage Earners-Istanbul
- Europe Brent Spot Price FOB (Dollars per Barrel)
- Monetary Aggregates (Thousand TRY)
- Monetary Aggregates - Index of Notional Amounts (Index: 30.12.2005=100)
- Selected Balance Sheet Items - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
- Loans - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
- Loans - Banks and Finance Companies (Thousand TRY)
- Consumer Loans (by original maturity) - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
- Securities - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
- Deposits - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
- Foreign Exchange Deposits - Banking Sector (Thousand TRY)
- Selected Balance Sheet Items with Residents in Türkiye - Banks' Branches Abroad
- Real Sector Confidence Index (RSCI) (NACE REV.2)
- Real Sector Confidence Index-Seasonally Adjusted (RSCI-SA) (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics-Intermediate Goods (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics-Durable Consumer Goods (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics-Non-durable Consumer Goods (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics-Food & Beverages (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics-Consumer Goods (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics-Investment Goods (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics - Firms with less than 250 employees (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics - Firms with 250 to 499 employees (NACE REV.2)
- Business Tendency Statistics - Firms with 500 or more employees (NACE REV.2)
- General Budget Balance and Financing -(Treasury)(Thousand TRY)
- Domestic Debt Position (Treasury)(TRY Thousand)
- Central Government Budget Revenues-New Description (Ministry of Finance)(TRY Thousand)
- Central Government Budget Expenses-New Description (Ministry of Finance)(TRY Thousand)
- Privatization Implementations (Privatization Administration)(TRY/US Dollars)
- Construction Statistics According to Occupancy Permits (TURKSTAT)
- Construction Statistics According to Construction Permits (TURKSTAT)
- House Sales Statistics - Second hand sale (TURKSTAT)
- House Sales Statistics - First sale (TURKSTAT)
- House Sales Statistics - Mortgaged sales (TURKSTAT)
- House Sales Statistics - Total sales (TURKSTAT)
- Shares and Debt Securities Held by Non-Residents (Market Value, Million USD)
- Government Domestic Debt Securities (Face Value, Million TRY)
- Government Domestic Debt Securities (Market Value, Million TRY)
- Government Domestic Debt Securities (By Maturity, Market Value, Million TRY)
- Debt Securities Issued Abroad by General Government (Face Value, Million USD)
- Debt Securities Issued Abroad by General Government (Market Value, Million USD)
- Debt Securities Issued Abroad by General Government (By Maturity, Market Value, Million USD)
- Domestic Debt Securities Issued by Other Than General Government (Face Value, Million TRY)
- Domestic Debt Securities Issued by Other Than General Government (Market Value, Million TRY)
- Domestic Debt Securities Issued by Other Than General Government (By Maturity, Market Value, Million TRY)
- Debt Securities Issued Abroad by Other Than General Government (Face Value, Million USD)
- Debt Securities Issued Abroad by Other Than General Government (Market Value, Million USD)
- Debt Securities Issued Abroad by Other Than General Government (By Maturity, Market Value, Million USD)
- Environmental, Social and Governance Domestic Debt Securities (Face Value, Million TRY)
- Environmental, Social and Governance Debt Securities Issued Abroad (Face Value, Million USD)
- Central Bank Analytical Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Central Bank Weekly Statement (Thousand TRY)
- Central Bank Balance Sheet(Thousand TRY)
- CB Balance Sheet as per the Letter of Intent dd 18.01.2002 (At current cross rates)(Weekly, TRY Thousand)
- Central Bank Reserves (Million US Dollar)
- Rediscount Credits' Contribution To FX Reserves (CBRT)(Million US Dollar)
- Balance of Payments Analytic Presentation (BPM6)(Million USD)
- Balance of Payments Detailed Presentation (BPM6) (Million USD)
- Current Account, Non-Monetary Gold and Energy Foreign Trade (Million USD)
- Residents' Foreign Direct Investments Abroad by Sectors - Flow Data (Million USD)(NACE REV.2)
- Residents' Foreign Direct Investments Abroad by Countries -Flow (Million USD)
- Foreign Direct Investments in Türkiye by Sectors - Flow Data (Million USD)(NACE REV.2)
- Foreign Direct Investments in Türkiye by Countries - Flow (Million USD)
- External Debt Roll-Over Ratios for Banks and Other Sectors - (6 Months Moving Sum, %)
- External Debt Service and Other Transfers (Million USD)
- Travel Incomes and Expenses (Million USD)
- Tourists by Nationalities
- Distribution of Arriving Foreign Visitors According to Cities to Which Border Gates are Bound
- Outstanding Short Term Loans Received From Abroad by Private Sector-By Creditor (US Dollar)
- Outstanding Short Term Loans Received From Abroad by Private Sector-By Borrower (US Dollar)
- Outstanding Long Term Loans Received From Abroad by Private Sector-By Creditor (US Dollar)
- Outstanding Long Term Loans Received From Abroad by Private Sector-By Borrower (US Dollar)
- Outstanding Long Term Loans Received From Abroad by Private Sector-Maturity Composition of Non-Financial Institutions Loans (Million USD)
- Open Market Repo and Reverse Repo Transactions
- Free Deposits of Banks and Total Liquidity (Beginning of the Day)(Million TRY)(CBRT)
- Interbank Money Market Transactions Summary (TRY Thousand or %)
- Total Volume of FX Transaction of Banks Against Turkish Lira (Million USD, CBRT)
- Over/Night interest rates in BIST
- Borsa Istanbul (BIST) Trading Volume (Thousand TRY, Thousand Unit)
- Indicative Values of Government Domestic Debt Instruments Determined by CBRT
- Foreign Exchange and Banknotes Transactions (US $)
- Repo and Reverse Repo Operations (Thousand TRL)
- CBRT Net Funding (Business, Million TRY) and Weighted Average Funding Cost of the CBRT Funding (Percentage)
- Turkish Lira Overnight Reference Rate (BIST-TLREF)
- Foreign Exchange Deposits Against Turkish Lira Deposits Auctions
- Balance Sheet - Total Assets (Thousand TRL)
- Balance Sheet - Current Assets (Thousand TRL)
- Balance Sheet - Fixed Assets (Thousand TRL)
- Balance Sheet - Total Liabilities (Thousand TRL)
- Balance Sheet - Short-term Liabilities (Thousand TRL)
- Balance Sheet - Long-term Liabilities (Thousand TRL)
- Balance Sheet - Shareholders Equity (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Gross Sales (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Net Sales (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Cost of Goods Sold (-) (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Gross Profit or Loss (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Operating Expenses (-) (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Operating Profit or Loss (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Financing Expenses (-) (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Profit or Loss Before Taxes (Thousand TRL)
- Income Statement - Provisions for Inc. Tax & Oth. Liab. to Gov. (Thousand TRL)
- Liquidity Ratios - Current Ratio (%)
- Liquidity Ratios - Quick (Acid-Test) Ratio (%)
- Liquidity Ratios - Cash Ratio (%)
- Ratios of Financial Position - Total Loans / Total Assets (Leverage Ratio) (%)
- Ratios of Financial Position - Shareholders Equity / Total Assets (%)
- Ratios of Financial Position - Short-Term Bank Loans / Short-Term Liabilities (%)
- Ratios of Financial Position - Bank Loans / Total Loans (%)
- Ratios of Financial Position - Current Assets / Total Assets (%)
- Ratios of Financial Position - Tangible Fixed Assets (Net) / Total Assets (%)
- Turnover Ratios - Receivables Turnover (Times)
- Turnover Ratios - Net Working Capital Turnover (Times)
- Turnover Ratios - Debt Turnover (Times)
- Profitability Ratios - Net Profit / Total Assets (%)
- Profitability Ratios - Operating Profit / Net Sales (%)
- Profitability Ratios - Gross Profit / Net Sales (%)
- Profitability Ratios - Net Profit / Net Sales (%)
- Profitability Ratios - Operating Expens / Net Sales (%)
- Profitability Ratios - Interest Expenses / Net Sales (%)
- Credits to the Sector - Credits in Cash (TL) (Thousand TRL)
- Credits to the Sector - Credits in Cash (FX) (Thousand TRL)
- Credits to the Sector - Credits in Non-Cash (TL) (Thousand TRL)
- Credits to the Sector - Credits in Non-Cash (FX) (Thousand TRL)
- Credits to the Sector - Bad Debts (Thousand TRL)
- GDP by Income Approach-Current Prices (TURKSTAT)(TRY Thousand)
- GDP by Expenditure Approach-Current Prices (TURKSTAT)(TRY Thousand)
- GDP in Chain Linked Volume by Expenditure Approach (TURKSTAT)(TRY Thousand)
- GDP by Kind of Economic Activity (A10)-Current Prices (TURKSTAT)(TRY Thousand)
- GDP in Chain Linked Volume by Kind of Economic Activity (A10)(TURKSTAT)(TRY Thousand)
- International Reserves (Million USD)
- International Investment Position Quarterly (Million USD)
- Residents Portfolio Investment Assets in Foreign Securities-By Instrument (Milllion USD)
- Residents Portfolio Investment Assets in Foreign Securities-Geographical Allocation (Milllion USD)
- Non-residents Deposit Accounts in Türkiye (Million USD)
- Foreign Direct Investments in Türkiye by Sectors - Stock (Million USD)(NACE REV.2)
- Foreign Direct Investments in Türkiye by Countries - Stock(Million USD)
- Foreign Direct Investments in Türkiye by Countries - Ultimate Investors - Stock(Million USD)
- Residents' Foreign Direct Investments Abroad by Sectors - Stock (Million USD)(NACE REV.2)
- Residents' Foreign Direct Investments Abroad by Countries - Stock (Million USD)
- OSD - Total Cars Production (AMA=Automotive Manufacturers Association)
- Index of Production per Person Employed (2015=100)(Ministry of Industry and Technology)
- Index of Production per Hour Worked (2015=100)(Ministry of Industry and Technology)
- TEIAS - Türkiye, Electricity (Production, Consumption, Exports, Imports) (MWh)
- TOBB -Firms Statistics-Newly Established and Liquidated
- TURKSTAT - Industrial Production Index - Seasonal and Calendar Adjusted (2021=100)
- Exchange Rates
- Exchange Rates-Banknotes
- Informative Exchange Rates of Selected Currencies that are not subject to transaction by the CBRT
- Exchange Rates-Unit Labor Cost Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- Exchange Rates-CPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- Exchange Rates-Domestic-PPI Based Real Effective Exchange Rate (2003=100)
- Gold Prices (Averaged) - Free Market (TRY)
- Republican Gold Demand _ Production Amount (MINT) (Pieces)
- Republican Gold Demand _ Production Amount (MINT) (Gram)
- Gold Production of Mining Companies Declaration (BIST) (Kg)
- Precious Metals Market Gold Import Data (BIST) (Kg)
- Deposit Money Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Investment and Development Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Banking Sector Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Investment and Development Banks Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Money Market Funds Sectoral Balance Sheet (Thousand TRY)
- Monetary Survey (Thousand TRY)
- Monetary Aggregates and Counterpart Items (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Foreign Assets and Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Loans (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Maturity Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Deposits (Deposit Types) (Thousand TRY)
- Deposit Money Banks - Securities (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Foreign Assets and Liabilities (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Loans (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Sectoral Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Maturity Breakdown) (Thousand TRY)
- Participation Banks - Funds Raised (Deposit Types) (Thousand TRY)